Is a cement-based mortar. It is applied with a brush. It contains active chemicals, which when in contact with moisture and lime and lime hydroxide, enter a reaction, thus forming insoluble crystals. These crystals block the capillaries and cracks formed inside as a consequence of concrete shrinkages and swellings, thus preventing further absorption of water. IZOTRATE offers a number of advantages, among which we mention:
● Stays permanently active, thus permanently protecting the construction from the presence of water.
● Connects perfectly with the concrete, thus giving it the desirable qualities.
● Capable of closing cracks up to 400 micron, even if they appear after the application.
● In cases when the concrete surface or waterproof coat is damaged, there is no impact on the waterproofing of construction.
● Protects reinforced constructions with steel from corrosion.
● Is used to waterproof water deposits or surfaces that are in direct contact with water.
● Does not affect the chemical processes of other elements present in the concrete.
● Is easily used and has low costs.
● This product is classified as a coat for concrete protection.
It waterproofs concrete surfaces in cases of moisture presence and water pressure. IZOTRATE is suitable for waterproofing basements, manholes, wastewater deposits, and especially foundations.