The m-tec production line installed in our factory has a capacity of 120 tons/hour. The advantage of the m-tec technology is that it requires no installation height. The individually programmed controllers, connected to mechanical components guarantee a maximal accuracy of the system. The m-tec technology is suitable for mass production; it does the weighing of the products components and conducts automatic transportation to the mixing silo.Moreover, this technology is equipped with a flexible system of the additives dosages (FAD).
POWERDOS is a totally automatic system of dosages. DAST uses this structure for an accurate dosage of the materials in large quantities such as dust and granular substances especially for dust materials of poor leakage qualities. The latest visual technology whereby can be controlled through independent way from the general system control provides the most precision rate up to +/-1 gr that leads to 0 the possibility of making a mistake as well as deformation of a product